Togo The Legend: Dog Behind The Life-Saving Serum Run


What makes a superhero? Turned out that you need to have enormous courage, endurance and leadership qualities. But not only humans show those qualities. This is the story of a real-life superhero dog Togo, who leads his pack during the harsh winter for the sake of the townspeople.

It was the year 1952, and Alaska faced a deadly epidemic called diphtheria. 10,000 people in Nome were seriously endangered by this disease. Especially children. Since Norme was far away from the other populated towns situation began to be more serious. The most effective cure for this sickness was a medicine called antitoxin, and Nomeites were in desperate need of the antitoxin. But it was located so far away. To make things worse there was a blizzard approaching. Here when Togo and his pack came to the help.

Image source: Urban Dog

Is this story a bit familiar? This is NOT about Balto, the dog who completed the last leg of the journey. Balto would become famous for his role in the run, many argue that it was Seppala and his Siberian Husky lead dog, Togo, who were the true saviors of the day.

Let’s dive into more details about this underrated hero.

From Rebel to Leader

Before joining the pack as the leader this  Serbian husky dog, Togo was very famous for causing trouble. Despite that after seeing his potential to stay in the pack and his brave spirit, Togo’s owner Leonhard Seppala decided to keep him. 

Because of his actions pack survived multiple challenges. His keen and smart decisions helped him to be highlighted as a true leader who was born to fill.  

Image source: American Kennel Club

Great Race of Mercy: 1925 Serum Run

Children were at risk, air traveling was impossible due to the blizzard. The only way to deliver the serum was via sled dogs. 

A relay of 20 teams was assembled. This is known as the “Great Race of Mercy”. Medicine was transported by train from Anchorage to Nenana, where it was passed on to 20 teams. Togo’s team, under the guidance of musher Leonhard Seppala, covered the longest and the most dangerous stretch of the journey by running 260 miles of icy mounts, steep climbs, and facing a terrible blizzard. 

Togo did his role as the leader, perfectly. Once when the ice started to break he managed to rescue his team and Seppala. Without Togo’s intelligence, bravery, and endurance ending this relay would be impossible.

Image source: American Kennel Club / Wikipedia

Underrated Hero

While Balto gets the more recognition it was Seppala and Togo who insiders knew had truly saved the day.  Balto’s team completed the last leg of into Nome, delivering the diphtheria antitoxin to the town. Since the final leg marked the end of the journey, Balto became famous and heroic but without Tago who successfully finished the crucial middle part of the journey, Balto’s final leg would be impossible.  

As time went on, people began to acknowledge and appreciate the recognition that Togo truly deserved.

Image source; AMNY / Seward Park Conservancy

Final Days

Togo lived his final years in Leonhard Seppala’s kennel in Poland Spring, Maine. Togo passed away on December 5, 1929, at the age of 16. Togo’s legacy as a legendary sled dog lived on, and he is remembered for his remarkable contributions to the serum run to Nome. His legacy didn’t end with him because he passed his smart traits to his puppies as well, to the Siberian huskies we know today.


This story does not just highlight a challenging journey. This story shows how one’s dedication and potential can save many others’ lives. Let’s give this underrated superhero the recognition he deserves.


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